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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 
International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
12 September 2002 (12.09.2002) 



llll II I Ihll 1 1 I'll 11:11' II II I'LL IHII III 
(10) International Publication Number 

WO 02/071044 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : G01N 21/78, 
33/52, 35/02 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US02/05091 

(22) International Filing Date: 28 February 2002 (28.02.2002) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 

28 February 2001 (28.02.2001) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): HOME 
DIAGNOSTICS, INC. [US/US]; 2400 N.W. 55th Court, 
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): MODZELEWSKI, 
Brent, E. [US/US]; 13 Red Barn Lane, Brookfield, CT 

06804 (US). GILMOUR, Steven, B. [US/US]; 532 
Navarre Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134 (US). 

(74) Agents: GARRETT, Arthur, S. et al.; Finnegan, Hen- 
derson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.R, 1300 I Street, 
N.W., Washington, DC 20005-3315 (US). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, 
LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, 
MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, 
SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, 
VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DB, DK, ES, FI, FR, 

[Continued on next page] 





(57) Abstract: A method and apparatus for 
. automatically selecting test types for an analytical meter 
system (10) based on the insertion into the meter of a 
test element (30). The test element can be an analytical 
element, formed by a test strip with control fluid 
applied thereto; or a standard element, or a standard 
strip exhibiting known optical properties. By inserting 
the test element into the analytical meter system, 
optical properties are measured and the existence of 
relationships between the measurements are ascertained. 

WO 02/071044 Al 1 0111 IDIIIII fl Ifirif lim Off I II flf Hill if If I Iflil Iffll IIM Illf IW Ifl fill Ifll All 

GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SB, TR), OAPT patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, 
NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— with international search report 

— before the expiration of the time limit for amending the 
claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 

WO 02/071044 PCT/US02/05091 


Field of the Invention 

The present invention relates generally to methods and apparatus for 
determining the test type to be performed on various types of test elements. More 
particularly, this invention provides methods for distinguishing between different types of 
test elements, including analytical test strips with fluid samples applied to them, 
analytical test strips with control solution applied to them, and standard strips as 
measured by a reflectance-type testing device. 

Background of the Invention 

Monitoring analytes such as glucose, cholesterol, intoxicants, and other 
constituents is frequently desirable in fluids, such as blood, plasma, blood serum, saliva, 
urine, and other biological fluids. In healthcare applications, such monitoring affords the 
opportunity to make rapid diagnoses of a patient's condition and to take prophylactic or 
therapeutic measures necessary for maintaining proper health. 

One such healthcare application that has benefited tremendously by analyte 
monitoring in recent years is the treatment of diabetes. Diabetics suffer from an 
impaired ability to regulate glucose levels in their blood. As a result, diabetics can have 
abnormally high blood sugar levels known as hyperglycemia. Chronic hyperglycemia 
may lead to long-term complications such as cardiovascular disease and degeneration 
of the kidneys, retinas, blood vessels and the nervous system. To minimize the . risk of 


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such long term complications, diabetics must strictly monitor and manage their blood 
glucose levels. 

Diabetics that have glucose levels that fluctuate several times throughout the day 
require very close blood glucose level monitoring. Close monitoring of blood glucose 
levels is most easily obtained when a diabetic is able to monitor their glucose levels 
themselves. Many devices currently available allow diabetics to measure their own 
blood sugar levels. 

Reflectance-based monitors comprise one category of personal, or home-use, 
glucose level monitoring devices. These monitors utilize an optical block which accepts 
test elements for photometric analysis. 

The test elements are usually in the form of test strips, which contain analytical 
chemistry,. Conventionally, these test strips are in the form of a disposable diagnostic 
test strip containing analytical chemistry upon which a fluid sample is deposited. Once 
the user applies the fluid sample to the test strip, and the sample has sufficiently 
penetrated the test strip, a chemical reaction occurs in the presence of a target analyte, 
e.g., glucose, to cause a change in the optical properties of the test strip. An optical 
photometric device then determines the analyte level of the sample by measuring an 
optical property, such as the intensity of reflected light at a certain wavelength from the 
test strip. For in vitro analysis in healthcare applications, the fluid sample is usually 
fresh whole blood. Periodically, however, it is desirable to run a test on a test element 
formed by applying a control solution of known analyte concentration to a test strip, in 
order to verify that the meter is performing within operational limits. It is also desirable 


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for the user to insert a "standard strip", which is a test element that has known optical 
properties, in order to verify that the meter is operating within operational limits. 

Diagnostic test strips for testing analytes such as glucose levels of blood 
samples are well known in the art and comprise various structures and materials. Test 
strips typically include single or multi-layered porous membrane arrangements which 
receive a blood sample and undergo a change in an optical property, such as a color 
change, in response to the interaction of blood glucose with agents/reactants in the 
membrane. Examples of such multi-layer strips are described in U.S. Patents 
5,296,192 to Carroll and 6,010,999 to Carroll et al., the contents of both of which are 
incorporated herein by reference. 

Prior to reaching the reactants, a whole blood sample can be filtered to eliminate 
potential optical interference by removing erythrocytes, or red blood cells. Some test 
strips operate to allow the applied blood sample to migrate to a reaction site in the 
membrane where the sample reacts with the agents/reactants, which is located in 
downstream capillary relation to the sample application site. The results of the reaction 
are often visible as a color change at the reaction site. However, the change may occur 
in invisible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared and ultraviolet. 
For the purposes of this application, the term "color change" will be understood to 
include variations in optical properties throughout the visible and invisible regions of the 
electromagnetic spectrum. As noted above, a color change can be correlated to the 
amount of glucose in the sample. Home-use glucose measuring devices that use a 
reflectance meter to measure the color change of the test strip correlate glucose levels 


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to the change in the amount of light reflected from the reaction site of the test strip. As 
is well known in the art, strips can be formulated to produce a color change within a 
certain spectral region, and the meter designed to photometrically measure reflected, 
absorbed or transmitted light at a wavelength sensitive to the color change of the strip. 
While the present invention will be described with reference to reflectance based 
photometry, it would be known to one having ordinary skill in the art to apply the 
features of the invention to absorbance or transmittance based systems. 

Desirable for maintaining the accuracy of blood glucose monitoring devices is the 
periodic checking of the device to ensure that it is within operational compliance. As 
mentioned above, certain periodic standardization tests performed by the user provide 
verification of the meter's accurate operation. Accuracy is required by regulatory 
authorities for medical devices such as diabetes testing monitors, where a patient's life 
can depend on proper operation of the monitoring system. 

Common verification techniques are designed to periodically check whether the 
monitoring device is operating properly, and thus accurately measuring blood glucose 
levels. Verification techniques used in glucose level monitoring devices include 
inserting test elements having a known glucose or reflectance value into the monitoring 
unit and comparing the measured results with the known values. Test elements having 
known glucose levels ("Control Test Elements" hereinafter) are normally prepared by 
applying a glucose control solution having a known glucose concentration to a dry test 
strip that normally could be used to run a test with blood. The control test element is 
then inserted into the monitoring unit and a test is performed and the calculated glucose 


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value of the test element is displayed. The calculated glucose value is then compared 
with a range of acceptable results provided by the manufacturer for the glucose control 
solution. If the results displayed by the device for the control test element fall with an 
acceptable range designated for the solution, the device is deemed to be appropriately 
functioning ready for testing a blood sample. 

Another verification technique commonly used in glucose level monitoring 
devices includes inserting a strip with a known reflectance value into the monitoring unit 
("Standard Test Element" of "Standard Strip" hereinafter). This standard test element 
does not receive a fluid sample, but is rather formed of a one piece rigid or semi-rigid 
material such as plastic having known optical properties. The standard reflectance strip 
can be stored in a compartment of the monitoring unit so that it is conveniently available 
for use throughout the life of the monitoring device. The standard reflectance strip is 
inserted into and measured by the device just as other test strips, and the measurement 
results are compared with a range of acceptable results provided with standard 
reflectance strip. As with the test using the glucose control test element, if the results of 
the measurement fall within an acceptable range, the device is ready for testing a blood 

The test run with the standard test element ("Standard Tesf hereinafter) Is 
intended to test the performance of the monitoring device only, while the test run with 
the control test element ("Control Test" hereinafter) is intended to check the entire 
monitoring process including the testing technique of the user. Conventional glucose 
monitoring devices are capable of performing both types of calibration techniques and 

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will normally include instructions regarding when to initiate each type of calibration 

Of course, the monitoring device must also accept a test element formed by 
sample fluid, such as blood, applied to a test strip ("Analytical Test Element" 
hereinafter), and run an analytical test thereon to determine analyte concentration 
("Analytical Test" hereinafter). 

A problem with prior art devices has been that they have typically not been able 
to discriminate between the type of test element introduced into the meter, and 
therefore the type of test to run, without user intervention. For example, the standard 
test is instantaneous and need not ascertain that a reaction on a test strip has run to 
completion, as is required in the control test and the analytical test. It is also desirable 
that the historical results for all three tests should be stored separately, so that the 
user's results from the analytical tests are not mixed in or displayed with the standard 
test or control test results. 

Conventional methods for differentiating the test type have required the user to 
perform an affirmative act, such as pressing a button on the device, to signal to the 
device that the test strip inserted includes a glucose control solution and not a blood 

The requirement that a user perform an affirmative act to signal to the monitoring 
device the type of sample tested allows the possibility for human error that can 
adversely affect the proper storing and monitoring of measurement results, and possibly 
the misinterpretation of stored results. For example, if a user were to fail to perform a 



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required step indicating insertion of a test strip containing glucose control solution, such 
as failing to push a button or wait a specified time, the measurement results could be 
incorrectly stored in the memory of the device as an actual blood glucose level result, 
possibly resulting in, among others, false self-diagnosis of blood sugar levels or 
erroneous treatment regimens being prescribed by healthcare professionals. 

Another prior art system is a "negative blood" approach, which uses two 
wavelengths. In such a system, a secondary LED which measures at a wavelength at 
which red blood cells are highly detectable, this measurement is used to formulate a 
correction factor used in running the glucose test in whole blood to subtract out optical 
interference caused by hemoglobin. This arrangement is usually necessary in 
conjunction with single-layer test strips, which are generally unable to adequately 
separate hemoglobin from whole blood sample as it flows to the opposite surface where 
the colorimetric reaction with the reagent is desired to be measured. If reflection from 
this secondary LED is not detected to achieve a certain threshold, that is if there is no 
hemoglobin detected, the meter automatically assumes that the test element is a control 
element. This methodology is in essence binary, and is limited to the distinction 
between "Blood" and "Not Blood;" and is therefore not satisfactory if there are more than 
two possibilities. 

The difficulties monitoring devices have in properly distinguishing the type of test 
element inserted also carries over to distinguishing between insertion of a test strip 
having a sample applied thereon, i.e. a control test element or an analytical test 
element, and insertion of a standard reflectance strip. Again, conventional monitoring 


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devices have the drawback of requiring an affirmative act from the user to signal that a 
non-analytical test is being performed by the monitoring device. It is accordingly an 
object of the invention to provide a method for automatically distinguishing between the 
type of test performed by the device based on the test element inserted by the user, 
without the need for any affirmative act by the user. 


In accordance with the invention, a method for automatically selecting test types 
in an analytical meter system is described, the method comprising the steps of: 

providing a test element, said test element belonging to one of a plurality of test 
element types; ' , 

inserting said test element into an analytical meter system; 

measuring a first optical property of the test element; 

measuring a second optical property of the test element; 

distinguishing said test element by identifying a predetermined relationship 
between said first and second optical properties; 

selecting a test type based at least in part upon the results of said distinguishing 


Also described is a meter system for performing one of a plurality of test types on a 
test element, where the test element is inserted into the meter system and belongs to 
one of a plurality of test element types, the meter system comprising: 

a first light emitting diode selectively discharging light at a first wavelength; 


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a second light emitting diode selectively discharging light at a second 

at least one light detector for measuring light emitted from the first and second - 
light emitting diodes and reflected from a test element; and 

a processor for distinguishing said test element by identifying a predetermined 
relationship between first and second optical properties, and further for selecting a test 
type based at least in part upon the results of said distinguishing. ' 

Additional objects and advantages of the invention will be set forth in part in the 
description which follows, and in part will be obvious from the description, or may be 
learned by practice of the invention. The objects and advantages of the invention will 
be realized and attained by means of the elements and combinations particularly 
pointed out in the appended claims. * 

It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the 
following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory only and are not restrictive 
of the invention, as claimed. 


The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and constitute a part of 
this specification, illustrate one embodiment of the invention and, together with the 
description, serve to explain the principles of the invention. 

Fig. 1 illustrates an analyte meter system according to the present invention; 

Fig. 2 illustrates a test strip for receiving a fluid sample and insertion into the 
meter system of Fig. 1 , all in accordance with the present invention; 


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Fig. 3 illustrates a graph of Reflectance v. Wavelength for an analytical element 
formed of blood sample of relatively high glucose concentration applied to the test strip 
' of Fig. 2; 

Fig. 4 illustrates a graph of Reflectance v. Wavelength comparing the spectral 
curve of the analytical element of Fig. 3 with that of a control element formed of control 
solution of substantially equal glucose concentration applied to the test strip of Fig. 2; 

Fig. 5 illustrates a graph of Reflectance v. Wavelength comparing the spectral 
curve of an analytical element formed of blood sample of relatively low glucose 
concentration applied to the test strip of Fig. 2, with that of a control element formed of 
control solution of substantially equal glucose concentration applied to the test strip of 
Fig. 2; and 

Fig>6 is a schematic representation of a meter system according to the present 


Reference will now be made in detail to an illustrative embodiment of the 
invention, which appears in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the same 
reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like 

With reference to the drawings, Fig. 1 depicts an analyte meter system 10 
according to the present invention. Meter system 10 generally includes a hand-held 
meter having a housing enclosure 12, power button 14, control buttons 16, 18, liquid 
crystal display (LCD) 20, removable test chamber cover or shroud 22 having a test strip 


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platform 24 for receiving and testing a multi-layered diagnostic test strip 30, A strip 
sensor (not shown) of known configuration is located at a distal end of the strip platform 
24 to detect when a test strip 30 has been fully inserted into the device. The test strip 
30 contains a reagent that produces a detectable response in proportion to the amount 
of a suspected analyte, such as glucose, cholesterol, ketones, theophylline, and 
fructosamine, and others. Although the present invention is adaptable for testing 
multiple analytes, discussion is directed herein to monitoring glucose levels in whole 
blood samples for purposes of describing the instant invention. 

Fig. 2 illustrates an enlarged view of diagnostic test strip 30. Test strip 30 
generally includes an upper and lower support layer 32, 34, with sample receiving 
layers 36 located between the support layers 32, 34. Sample receiving layers 36 
include a spreading layer 38 located adjacent upper support layer 32, a separating layer 
40, and a semi-porous membrane reagent layer 42 located adjacent lower support layer 
34. At least one of the sample receiving layers 36 is pretreated with a dry chemistry 
reagent and conditioning solution. Preferably, the membrane 42 and separating layer 
.40 are pretreated with the reagent/conditioning solution. The spreading layer 38 may 
also be treated. Each layer is positioned in substantially continuous contact with its 
adjacent layer as shown in Fig. 2 by adhesives and ultrasonic bonding, or other known 
means, to provide a sealed composite structure. 

The top and bottom support layers 32, 34 of test strip 30 each define an~aperture 
or opening therethrough. These apertures or openings of the test strip 30 are oriented 
in vertical alignment with a test window (not shown) located along strip platform 24 (Fig. 


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1 ) when properly positioned in meter system 10. The opening in the upper support strip 
32 defines a sample receiving port 44 and the opening in the lower support strip 34 
defines a reaction viewing port 46. The sample receiving layers 36 are oriented in 
vertical alignment with sample receiving port 44 and reaction viewing port 46. This 
allows the blood sample received by the test strip 30 to pass directly from receiving port 
44 to viewing port 46. As the sample travels to the viewing port 46 it will encounter 
reagent, and any analyte in the sample will begin to react with the reagent and begin to 
form an optically detectable condition, such as a color change. This optically detectable 
condition is assessed from the viewing port 46, and can be used to determine the 
presence of, or calculate the concentration of an analyte of interest. The test strip 30 of 
Fig. 2 is illustrative only and many other test strip configurations may be used when 
practicing the present invention: 

Monitoring meter system 10 of the present invention includes a circuit assembly 
physically and electrically connected to a printed circuit board, an example of which is 
schematically depicted as the block diagram of Fig. 5. The circuit 100 contains a 
microprocessor 102 with a plurality of inputs and outputs. An exemplary embodiment of 
the present* invention uses an 8-bit device with 60K of programmable memory. The 
microprocessor executes the meter instruction code. The microprocessor receives 
input from the user through input device 104, which can include buttons or other input 
devices known in the art. A display 106 and a sounder 107 or similar output devices 

receives data from the microprocessor for presentation to the user. A memory device 


108, for example EEPROM, is also connected for input from and output to the 


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microprocessor 102. A communication port 110 can also connected in input-output 
relationship with the microprocessor in known manner. 

A strip sensor 112 receives a drive signal through line 1 14 to turn on and off 
photo element 116. The photo element can be an LED. Light from the photo element 
1 16 is detected by the photodetector 118. The photodetector can be a photodiode or 
phototransistor. Output from the photodetector is supplied via line 120 to the 
microprocessor 102. The strip sensor detects when a test strip is inserted into the 
meter, and can be initialized by the method described in commonly assigned, 

copending US Patent Application / (Atty Docket 0043-00000 entitled 

"Improved Method of Strip Insertion Detection"), filed concurrently herewith, the 
contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. 

The circuit assembly can include a light intensity control circuit, represented as 
section 122 of the diagram, and a light detector circuit 124, discussed in further detail 
hereinbelow. An exemplary embodiment of the present invention operates using a DC 
offset ("virtual ground") of 2.5V reference (not shown) and is powered from a 1 .5V AAA 
battery (not shown), which may include a voltage divider circuit or other power 
management circuitry as is known in the art. 

An analog to digital (A/D) converter 126 converts analog electrical output on line 
128 from the light detector circuit 124 into digital information for the microprocessor 102 
In an exemplary embodiment of the invention, a 12-bit A/D converter is employed. A 
temperature sensor 130 provides a voltage proportional to the temperature along line 


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132 to the A/D converter. The microprocessor 102 can make a determination as to 
whether the temperature of the testing environment is within predetermined thresholds, 
and prohibit a user from running a test if accuracy would be negatively affected. 

The light intensity control circuit (LICC) 122 will now be described. In an 
exemplary embodiment, the circuit is supplied by a pulse width modulated signal along 
line 134 from the microprocessor 102. The circuit includes a low pass filter 136, a 
modulator 137, a flux biasing resistor 138, a reference photodiode 140, a control loop 
error amplifier 142, a feedback loop compensation capacitor 144, and LED drive 
transistors 146. The LICC controls the drive supplied to the LEDs 148, as will be 

The LEDs, of which there are two in the exemplary embodiment, generate light, £ 
component 150 of which will encounter the target 152, which is the test strip or other 
test element inserted into the meter. Another component 154 of the light strikes a 
chamber reflector 156 and a portion of which 158 is reflected toward reference 
photodiode 140. One of the LEDs is a 660nm LED in the exemplary embodiment, 
which is appropriate for detecting glucose in a test strip marketed under the tradename 
PRESTIGE and sold by Home Diagnostics, Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The exemplary 
embodiment can be easily modified for detecting other analytes or using other strips by 
changing the software and LED used to obtain a different wavelength. For instance, a 
580nm LED would be preferred for ketones using known analytical chemistry systems. 


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The light detector circuit (LDC) 124 will now be described. In an exemplary 
embodiment, the LDC includes a main photodiode 160, a transimpedance (current to 
. voltage) amplifier 162, a high pass filter 164, an amplifier 166, and a negative gain 
amplifier 168. The output stage of the exemplary LDC includes a demodulator 170, a 
level shifting amplifier 172, and a low pass filter 174. The output stage provides a DC 
voltage to line 128, as set forth above. The LDC supplies an analog signal to the A/D 
converter, which when digitized is interpreted by the microprocessor to provide test 

In the exemplary embodiment, input to the A/D converter is conventionally 
multiplexed, receiving input from lines 128 and 132, and from other signal lines not 
shown and not necessary to understand the present invention. 

In the exemplary embodiment, two LEDs are employed, at 610 nm and 660 nm 
as described herein. The LEDs are selected according to the instruction code at 
appropriate times by the microprocessor 102 by a signal sent via line 176, which 
activates a switch 178. If additional LEDs are employed, then additional signal lines 
and switches can be added in conventional manner. 

The operation of the exemplary circuit 1 00 will now be described. A pulse width 
signal is produced by the microprocessor 102 along line 134. As is well known, the 
pulse width modulation signal is basically a 2.5V signal delivered either on or off 
according to a duty cycle. In a perfect square wave, the duty cycle is 50%, so that the 
signal is 50% on, and 50% off. Accordingly, when the signal is on, it is delivered at 2.5 


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volts and when it's off, it is zero volts. The signal in line 134 is averaged by the low 
pass filter 136 to arrive at a drive voltage for the LEDs, which will in turn determine their 
output. For example, for a perfect 2.5V square wave, the average voltage, and thus the 
output of the low pass filter 1 36 will be 1 .25V. In this way, the power delivered to the 
LEDs can be modified by the microprocessor by changing the duty cycle of the pulse 

width modulation signal. To increase the light power, the duty cycle of the signal would 


be increased. 

In the exemplary embodiment, the duty cycle of the pulse width modulation signal 
is determined during factory calibration of the meter, and the duty cycle value is 
permanently stored in the EEPROM. Of course, periodic calibration routines known in 
the art could also be employed. Further, different LEDs may have different preferred 
drive requirements, so different duty cycles can be utilized based on the LED in 

The circuit 100 employes a modulation or "chopping" function controlled by the 
microprocessor 102. The microprocessor 102 supplies a modulation signal via line 180 
to the modulator 1 37 of the LICC and to the demodulator 1 70 of the LDC in synchrony. 
The chopping signal is essentially a square wave (on/off) signal supplied to drive the 
LEDs at a certain frequency, rather than at constant power, to eliminate noise in the 
signal output of the circuit. In the exemplary embodiment, a 2 kHz chop is employed. 
The chopping function allows the shifting of the frequency of the light signals LICC 
upward to a "quieter" region of the spectrum where ambient light effects can be 


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minimized in the LDC. For example, while sunlight is 0 Hz (DC), incandescent lights 
have a frequency of 120 Hz. Fluorescent lights are also 120 Hz, but also have 
harmonic frequencies. By shifting the drive frequency of the LEDs above that of 
ambient light at the LICC, the LDC will be able to receive a signal at the matching 
frequency that is above the spectrum where most noise is encountered. 

The LICC includes flux biasing resistor 138 which is in parallel with modulator 
137. This resistor in parallel essentially inhibits the voltage from the low pass filter 136 
from being completely turned off by the modulator 1 37. In this way, the chopping 
function, instead of modulating between full-on to full-off will modulate between full-on 
and low. The result is that the LEDs will be either full-on or dim, but never completely 
off. Several benefits are realized by this arrangement. First, because the LEDs are 
never dark, a positive bias is always present at the reference diode 140. As a result, 
when interfering ambient light reaches the reference diode 140, there is a tendency for 
the modulated signal to move toward ground. This positive bias helps to compensate 
for this tendency toward ground and allows the circuit to adapt without a change in 
peak-to-peak amplitude by keepfng the modulated signal above ground. Second, the 
fact that a voltage is always present maintains control loop error amplifier 142 further 
above ground, which promotes better performance. 

The control loop amplifier 142, in connection with the compensation capacitor 
144 receives the output from the reference photodiode 140 to provide a feedback 
mechanism in determining the appropriate drive power for the LEDs 1 48. 


WO 02/071044 PCT/US02/05091 

When target 152 is illuminated by light 150 from an LED 148, reflected light 153 
is received by the main photodiode 160, producing a photocurrent based on the 
reflectance. The photocurrent output of the photodiode 160 is supplied to 
transimpedanceamplifier 162, which converts the photocurrent to a voltage. This 
voltage is conditioned by high pass filter 164, which removes noise components of the 
signal below the chopping frequency. It is here that the noise components of artificial 
lighting are filtered out, although certain harmonics of fluorescent light are eliminated 
after demodulation by low pass filter 174. In the exemplary embodiment, a 400 Hz 
cutoff frequency is employed in high pass filter 164. 

The signal emerging from high pass filter 164 is basically a square wave voltage 

at the chopping frequency that is nominally 0.5V peak to peak maximum and centered 


about the virtual ground of 2.5V. To condition the output for the A/D converter, which in 
the exemplary embodiment operates at approximately 2.6V maximum, amplifier 166 
and negative gain amplifier 168 are employed as follows. When the LED is on, the top 
half of the square wave is connected by level shifting amplifier 172; and when the LED 
is off, the bottom half of the square wave is amplified by minus unity and connected by 
level shifting amplifier 172. This inverts the bottom half of the square wave when the 
LED is off. The demodulator 170 selects between the amplifiers 166, 168 in synchrony 
with the modulation occurring in the LIDC at modulator 137. The resulting signal 
emerging from demodulator 170 is a DC signal proportional to the reflectance of the 
chemistry, in relation to the 2.5V reference voltage in the exemplary embodiment. 


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Level shifting amplifier 172, a differential amplifier, receives the DC signal from 
the demodulator 170, applies a gain and shifts the signal to a range acceptable to the 
A/D converter, which in the exemplary embodiment is approximately 2.6V maximum. 
Low pass filter 174 removes spiking introduced by the demodulation of the signal by 
amplifiers 166, 168, and also removes a large amount of the harmonics of artificial light 
that were shifted high by the demodulation. Further, Any DC offsets in the amplifier 
stages prior to the demodulations that were shifted up to the chopping frequency are 
also effectively filtered. The only noise left in the signal are harmonics of ambient light 
that are right around the chopping frequency, which in the exemplary embodiment of 2 
kHz are minimal. 

These remaining harmonics are of known frequency and their relationship to the chop 
frequency will determine their frequency. For example, the 17 th harmonic of fluorescent 
lighting will be 120Hz x 17 = 2040 Hz. If the chop frequency is 2048 HZ, which is more 
conveniently generated by binary digital systems than 2000Hz, the strongest remaining 
interfering harmonic will be 8 Hz ( |2048Hz - 2040Hz| ). Since this interfering signal is of 
known frequency, it can be further reduced by simple synchronous digital filtering 
techniques. In countries that use 50Hz power grids, the strongest interfering frequency 
will be 2 Hz (the 25 th harmonic of 1 00Hz = 2050Hz, |2048Hz - 2050Hz| = 2Hz). A 
simple synchronous digital filtering technique that u nulIs-ouf both 2Hz and 8Hz can be 

Testing fluid samples for glucose levels according the present invention generally 
includes insertion of test strip 30 containing a blood sample into meter system 10 within 


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test chamber cover 22 along strip platform 24. Proper insertion of the test strip 30 in 
meter system 10 results in locating the reaction viewing port 46 of the test strip 30 
directly above the test window (not shown) of meter system 10. Once the test strip is 
properly inserted in meter system 10, the 660 nm LED discharges against viewing port 
46 of test strip 30, and the reflectance from the discharge is registered by one or more 
light detectors. This process continues until the meter system, according to an 
algorithm, calculates the glucose level of the sample. A representative algorithm is 

described in commonly-assigned copending U.S. Patent Application No. / 

(Atty Docket No. 001 1-00000 entitled "Method for Determining the Concentration of an 
Analyte on a Test Strip"0), simultaneously filed herewith, the contents of which are 
incorporated herein by reference. 

The' microprocessor and algorithm software of meter system 10 perform 
calculations to arrive at the ultimate glucose measurement. It should be noted, 
however, that similar calculations may be used for deriving the amount of other analytes 
found in the test strip 30 so long as meter system 10 has been properly reconfigured 
and calibrated for the particular analyte of interest. 

Meter system 10 according to an illustrative embodiment of the invention is 
intended to receive and automatically differentiate between at least three different types 
of test elements, as discussed hereinabove. The three types of tests include: (1 ) an 
analytical test; (2) a control test; and (3) a standard test. To avoid combining different 
types of test results, the results of each test type can be stored in separate locations in 
the memory of meter system 1 0. This categorizing of the test results would allow for 


WO 02/071044 PCTYUS02/05091 

separate recalling of test results for each type of test, but would not combine results 
from different types of tests. Access to different types of test results could also be 
determined by different protocols, for example allowing a user to view historical 
analytical test results, but limiting access to historical standard test results to service 
technicians. Alternatively, only the results of certain types of tests could be saved, and 
others not saved. 

The present invention automatically differentiates between the three different 
types of tests by analyzing aspects of the spectral curve derived from reflectance 
measurements taken from a test element inserted into the meter system. Aspects of 
the spectral curve associated with an inserted test element can be ascertained by 
analyzing the percentage of reflectance of the test strip measured over certain 
predetermined wavelengths, or a range of wavelengths. An example of a spectral curve 
for an analytical element, using whole blood to test for glucose, according to the present 
invention and measured between a wavelength range of 500nm to 900nm is illustrated 
in Fig. 3. 

As illustrated in Fig. 3, the spectral curve of the blood sample forms a generally 
concave shape between a wavelength range of 500nm to 800nm, with the lowest 
portion of the curve located generally between a wavelength range of 600 to 700 nm. It 
has been found that all blood samples applied to the type of test strip described above, 
and measured in the manner described above, provide a spectral curve resembling the 
that shown in Fig. 3. While the shape of the spectral curve remains similar for all blood 
samples irrespective of glucose concentration (Cf. Fig. 5), especially within the range of 


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600 nm to 700 nm, the actual reflectance percentages may vary from blood sample to 
blood sample. For example, the spectral curve shown in Fig. 3 corresponds to a blood 
sample having a high glucose concentration on a PRESTIGE brand test strip, as 
depicted by the lowest portion of the curve indicating a 20 to 30 percent reflectance. 
Alternatively, the spectral curve for a blood sample having a low glucose concentration 
as shown in Fig. 5 will still have its lowest point between the wavelength range of 600 to 
700 nm, but with a percentage reflectance above 40. 

This vertical displacement of the entire spectral curve for blood glucose tests 
presents challenges in differentiating test types, because absolute thresholds are not 
easily applied. 

As described above, the illustrative embodiment uses a 660 nm wavelength LED 
to measure reflectance of a test element inserted into meter system 10. This 
wavelength has been selected based on numerous factors, including system 
components and type of test strip used, and is designed to correspond with a peak 
optical response, e.g., absorbance, of the reaction of analyte with reagent on the test 
strip. While the illustrative embodiment contemplates measuring reflectance with a LED 
having a wavelength of 660 nm, it is within the scope of the invention that any other 
wavelength could be used in association with a different test strip composition or system 

Looking again at the spectral curve of the blood sample of Fig. 3, there is 
described the optical response over a range of wavelengths for a high glucose sample 
applied to a test strip as described by the Carroll patents. Such strips are commercially 


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available from Home Diagnostics, Inc., of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, under the trademark 
PRESTIGE SMART SYSTEM. For this glucose reagent system, the reflectance 
percentage value (%R) measured at a wavelength of 660 nm is approximately the same 
as the reflectance percentage value measured at a wavelength of approximately 610 
nm. It was noted by the present inventors that, because as noted above, the shape of 
the spectral curve for blood is substantially similar irrespective of glucose level, every 
blood sample tested will return similar reflectance percentage values at approximately 
610 nm and approximately 660 nm. Although the absolute value of the %R reading 
would vary with glucose concentration, the %R measurements at 610nm and 660nm 
would always be very nearly the same. 

When using a chromogen as an analyte indicator such as with known dry 
chemistry 'test strips, the Kubelka-Munk K/S reflectance values can be used to draw a 
predictable quantitative relationship between color development and concentration of 
the analyte. The spectral curve of the glucose reaction on a given test strip that is 
measured is of a known shape and it is known that glucose concentrations can be 
calculated using K/S values. The effects of intentionally distorting the spectral curve 
shape of the reaction by adding a dye to the glucose control solution can also be 
measured using K/S, specifically the difference in K/S values at two different 
wavelengths. Therefore, K/S can be used to measure the spectral curve shape of both 
a blood glucose and glucose control reaction. 

The advantage of using K/S values instead of raw %R in calculations is that 
using K/S values tend to provide a more consistent method of measurement from 


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varying lots of chemistry strips, which vary from lot to lot. The advantage of using %R is 
that it tends to provide a more consistent method of measuring the effect of the dye in 
the glucose control solution. As a general proposition, it is easier to control the amount 
of dye in the glucose control from lot to lot than it is to control the optical properties of 
strips from lot to lot. As a result, K/S can be a more robust means of measuring the 
differences in the spectral curve shape from chemistry lot to chemistry lot. However, in 
some circumstances, A%R may hold a slight advantage over delta K/S, for example 
when measuring low glucose concentrations. 

The use of K/S values in an exemplary practice of the present invention is 
described in the examples below, where Ch1 is 660nm, and Ch2 is 610nm. 

Example 1: %R Method (Glucose Control Detection Using Reflectance) 

Glucose Control detected when Ch2 %R is at least 3.5%R less the CM %R at 
the conclusion of the test. 1 

Pseudo Code 

If Ch2 %R <= Chi %R - 3.5%R Then 

Glucose Control sample detected 


Blood sample detected 

Example 2: K/S Method (Glucose Control Detection Using K/S) 

Glucose Control detected when Ch2 K/S is at least 0.3 2 less that Ch1 K/S at the 
conclusion of the test. 

1 Actual %R cutoff value varies with dyes, chromogens and wavelengths used. 

2 Actual K/S cutoff value varies with dyes, chromogens and wavelengths used. 


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Pseudo Code 

If Ch2 K/S <= Chi K/S - 0.3 Then 

Glucose Control sample detected 


Blood sample detected 

Example 3: Gating (Control Detection with Glucose Level Gating) 

Glucose control solutions are manufactured at known glucose concentrations. 
Certain glucose concentrations can immediately be excluded from the need for spectral 
analysis by glucose concentration level alone. For example, blood detection is 
indicated, but when final glucose value exceeds 400 mg/dL, control solution is identified, 
(n this case, no spectral curve shape analysis would be required. 

Pseudo Code 

If Final Glucose > 400 mg/dL Then 
Blood sample detected 


Spectral curve shape must be analyzed to determine 
sample, type 

In accordance with an illustrative embodiment of this invention, and as described 
above, meter system 10 incorporates a second LED having a wavelength of 610 rim. 
The second LED operates to measure a second point along the spectral curve of the 
test element inserted into the meter. It is this second LED, acting in conjunction with the 
strip sensor, that allows the meter system according to the illustrative embodiment to 
automatically differentiate between at least the three different types of tests described 


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hereinabove to be conducted by meter system 10. The three types of tests are the 
analytical test, the standard test, and the control test. 

In performing the standard test, a standard strip is inserted into the meter. This 
standard strip, as is known in the art, can be formed with a notch in the distal end (the 
end first inserted into the meter) so as not to trip the strip sensor upon full insertion. 
When inserted, the meter optics will detect the presence of the standard strip because 
reflectance values increase (with no test element in place, reflectance is, corrected for 
ambient light and noise, statistically equal to zero). Because the strip sensor will not 
indicate presence of a test strip because the notch on the standard strip will not trip the 
strip sensor, the meter will be able to ascertain that the test element inserted is the 
standard test element, and the test run is the standard test. 

If the strip sensor is triggered, however, then the meter system will know that a 
test strip has been inserted. The test strip is common to both the analytical element and 
the control element. Distinguishing between the two, and thus between an actual blood 
sample and a glucose control solution, is facilitated by incorporating a dye within the 
glucose control solution that alters or distorts the spectral curve, or shape, of the control 
element. The dye preferably has a narrow spectral absorbance so that it does not 
significantly impact the glucose evaluation of the sample. The distortion of the spectral 
curve of the control element due to the dye provides a substantially different reflectance 
percentage value measured at 610 nm relative to that at 660 nm. As described above, 
the %R values returned at these two wavelengths are very nearly the same in blood. 
Accordingly, meter system 10 ascertains that a standardization and verification test 


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using glucose control solution is being conducted when the reflectance percentage 
values using the 610 nm LED is measurably different relative to the 660 nm LED when 
the strip sensor is tripped. The amount of difference between reflectance percentage 
values between the 610nm channel and the 660nm channel is dependent on the type 
and amount of dye incorporated into the glucose control solution. The type and amount 
of dye used should be selected so that it does not exhibit significant absorbance at 660 
nm. For example, a dye causing a six point.absolute difference in reflectance 
percentage values between measurements by the two LEDs has been found sufficient 
to consistently and accurately distinguish the control solution from a blood sample. 
Because the dye affects the shape of the curve, the absolute reflectance measurement 
is not what is important. What is important is the relative difference between the 
reflectance percentages returned between the two wavelengths, which difference would 
remain substantially constant irrespective of the absolute values. 

Fig. 4 depicts a graph of Percentage Reflectance v. Wavelength comparing the 
spectral curve of the blood sample of Fig. 3 (shown in a solid line) with a spectral curve 
of a glucose control solution with dye (shown in a dashed line) in accordance with the 
present invention. To highlight the method for distinguishing between the samples, the 
samples illustrated in the graph have approximately the same glucose concentration. 
This is evident from the measured percentage reflectance being approximately the 
same for both samples using the 660 nm LED. See point A of the graph of Fig. 4. 

As indicated in the graph of Fig. 4 and described above, the spectral curve for 
the analytical element (blood) has approximately the same percentage reflectance value 


WO 02/071044 PCT/US02/05091 

when measured using both the 610 nm and 660 nm wavelength LED. The spectral 
curve for the control element (control solution with the added dye), however, contains a 
deflection such that the reflectance percentage value at 610 nm is approximately six 
units lower than the reflectance percentage value obtained with a 660 nm LED. Based 
on this deflection of the spectral curve resulting from the dye, meter system 10 can be 
programmed to distinguish between an analytical element and a control element, and 
thus properly select the appropriate test, data processing protocols, display, and related 

In accordance with the invention, any suitable dye can be used to modify the 
spectral curve of the glucose control solution, as long as it produces a detectable 
difference in measured results at the two selected LED wavelengths. Appropriate dyes 
include Brbmophenol Blue and Crystal Violet. The amount of dye added to the control 
solution may be varied, in order to account for various factors understood by one having 
skill in the art, such as reagent system performance and monitor apparatus design 
considerations. Further, the spectral shape of a fluid sample may be altered by adding 
other ingredients which alter measurable optical properties, such as phosphorescing 
materials instead of dyes. 

A representative control solution is formulated as shown in Table 1 in amounts 
sufficient to make 1000 mL of solution. 


WO 02/071044 


Sodium Citrate 


58 80a 


40 00a 

Sodium Hvdroxids 

w UVJIU 1 I 1 1 1 y \J 1 wAIUw 

As Nppded 

Hydrochloric Acid 

As Needed 

Acid Red Dve #V 


Bromophenol Blue 
Sodium Salt 2 

3.00 g 


1.85g J 


48.00 g 

Deionized Water 

Sufficient to total 
1000 mL 

Azophloxine [CieHi3N3Na 2 08S2] 
2 S'^^^'tS^-Tetrabromophenolsulfonephthalein sodium salt [CishfeB^NaOsS] 


Varies with product target level 
Table 1 

Distinguishing the type of test being conducted in the meter system in the 
manner described above can be performed instantaneously in the case of the standard 
test, because the strip sensor is not tripped while reflectance values are being detected 
) by the optical block of the monitor apparatus. Distinguishing between the analytical test 
and the control test generally takes place after a suitable incubation period has 
transpired between the sample fluid and the reagent system, such that reaction 
products can be formed and optically detected. 

A decision table appears below as Table 2 t summarizing the principles of 
5 operation of the illustrative embodiment described hereinabove: 


WO 02/071044 


Test Type 


@ 610 nm 

@ 660 nm ? 


Analytical (blood) 







Yes or No 


Table 2 

In accordance with the invention, the above described spectral analysis can be 
applied to any type of test strip that has a distinct spectral shape for a given sample 
type. Of course, LED wavelengths may be selected from other than 660nm and 610nm, 
depending on the reagent system, to allow the meter to both accurately measure the 
level of analyte in the sample applied to the test strip, and provide distinguishable 
spectral curves between an analytical element and a control element, or even between 
different analytical elements. If different analytical elements were to be distinguished 
one from another, the reagent system of one type can contain dye particles embedded 
in the strip as is known in the art. In this way, tests between, for example, glucose and 
cholesterol might be distinguished using the principles described hereinabove. Also, 
additional LEDs can be integrated into the optical block, providing an additional data 
channel upon which a decision can be based. 

Also, as shown above in table 1 , the standard test is the only test which does not 
trip the strip sensor, therefore there is no need to ascertain whether the values returned 
on the 610nm and 660nm data channels are substantially equal. For example, if the 
standard test used a test element where the %R returned at 610nm and 660nm were 


WO 02/071044 


substantially equal, another test type can be provided that would rely on a difference 
between 610nm and 660nm. As an example, a cholesterol test strip can have a notch 
in its leading edge so as to not trigger the strip sensor, and have a reagent system such 
that, at a decision point, there is a measurable relative difference between 610nm and 
660nm. The standard test can be further identified by the absolute returns on the 
610nm and 660nm channel, for example by providing reflectance values outside the 
range returned by analytical or control elements. Once the test type is identified as the 
standard test, which can be instantaneous due to the involvement of the strip sensor, 
the meter might display %R values instead of analytical values, and the verification by 
the user can compare the %R provided with the standard strip with the %R 
displayed by the device. 

As described above, meter system 10 includes a memory for storing at least 
successive final glucose values. The memory may hold a collection of successive final 
glucose values, such as, for example, 365 values. With the capacity of modern 
subminiature memory chips, a very large amount of data can be reliably stored. These 
final values can be recalled by pressing a control button 16. Further, meter system 10 
may include a data port or a modem assembly for downloading the stored final glucose 
values to another computer system. The computer system receiving the downloaded 
final glucose values could be a home PC, or that of a doctor, or a website operator, or 
any other person or organization for providing assistance to the user in monitoring their 
glucose levels, or for collecting data on diabetes management on a community regional 
national or international basis. The modem assembly can be of any configuration (e.g. 


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TCP/IP or ATM), or those having wireless communication capabilities (e.g. those using 
GSM, WAP, CDMA, etc.). One such modem is described in copending commonly- 
assigned US Patent Application No. 09/512,919, filed February 25, 2000, the contents 
of which are hereby incorporated by reference. 

Other embodiments of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art 
from consideration of the specification and practice of the invention disclosed herein. It 
is intended that the specification and examples be considered as exemplary only, with a 
true scope and spirit of the invention being indicated by the following claims. 


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1 . A method for automatically selecting test types in an analytical meter system, 

providing a test element, said test element belonging to one of a plurality of test 
element types; 

inserting said test element into an analytical meter system; 

measuring a first optical property of the test element; 

measuring a second optical property of the test element; 

distinguishing said test element by identifying a predetermined relationship 
between said first and second optical properties; and 

selecting a test type based at least in part upon the results of said distinguishing 


2. the method of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of test element types include 
analytical elements. 

3. The method of claim 1, wherein said plurality of test element types include 
control elements. 

4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of test element types include 
standard elements. 

5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said first and second optical properties are 
absorbance at predetermined wavelengths. 

6. The method of claim 5, wherein each of said absorbances are measured by 
taking at least one reflectance measurement. 


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7. The method of claim 6, wherein said predetermined relationship comprises a 
relative difference in percent reflectance which is substantially constant.over a 
range of measured percent reflectance values. 

8. The method of claim 2, wherein said analytical element comprises a biological 

9. The method of claim 8, wherein said biological fluid comprises a fluid selected 
from the set consisting of: whole blood, blood serum, and blood plasma. 

1 0. The method of claim 3, wherein said control element comprises a control 
solution, said control solution containing a substance for modifying at least 
one of said first or second optical properties. 

11. The method of claim 1 0, wherein said substance for altering at least one of 
said first or second optical properties is a dye. 

1 2. The method of claim 1 1 , wherein said dye is selected from the group 
consisting of: Bromophenol Blue and Crystal Violet. 

13. The method of claim 3, wherein said standard element comprises an element 
having known first and second optical properties. 

14. The method of claim i; wherein the step of inserting said test element further 
comprises the step of automatically either positively or negatively activating a 
switch based on the configuration of the test element. 

15. The method of claim 14, wherein said selecting step is based at least in part 
upon the activation state of said switch. 

1 6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of performing the test 
selected in said selecting step. 

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1 7. The method of claim 1 6, further comprising the step of displaying the results 
of said test performed in said performing step. 

1 8. The method of claim 1 6 further comprising the step of storing data based at 
least in part according to the results of said selecting step. 

19. The method of claim 18, where said storing step further comprises storing 
data classified according to test type. 

20 A meter system for performing one of a plurality of test types on a test 
element, where the test element is inserted into the meter system and belongs to one of 
a plurality of test element types, said meter system comprising: 

a first light emitting diode selectively discharging light at a first wavelength; 

a second light emitting diode selectively discharging light at a second 

at least one light detector for measuring light emitted from the first and second 
light emitting diodes and reflected from a test element; and 

a processor for distinguishing said test element by identifying a predetermined 
relationship between said first and second optical properties, and further for selecting a 
test type based at least in part upon the results of said distinguishing. 

21 . The meter system of claim 20, wherein said test type performed by the meter 
system comprises a glucose test performed on whole blood. 

22. The meter system of claim 20, wherein the processor distinguishes at least an 
analytical element from a control element. 


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23. The meter system of claim 20, said meter further comprising a memory for 
separately storing results of each test type. 

24. The meter system of claim 20, wherein the light discharged from the first and 
second light emitting diode has a wavelength within the range of 600nm to 700nm. 

25. The meter system of claim 24, wherein the wavelength emitted from the first light 
emitting diode has a wavelength of approximately 660nm. 

26. The meter system of claim 24, wherein the wavelength emitted from the second 
light emitting diode has a wavelength of approximately 61 Onm. 

27. A method for distinguishing a control element from an analytical element in a ' 
meter system, comprising: 

programming said meter to recognize a control element formed by applying a 
solution sample known to exhibit a first set of reflectance characteristics when 
measured within a range of wavelengths; 

inserting one of a control element or an analytical element into said meter; 

measuring at two predetermined wavelengths a set of reflectance values; and 

distinguishing the test element based on the conformity of said reflectance values 
obtained by said measuring step with said reflectance characteristics of said control 
element programmed in said meter. 


WO 02/071044 PCT/US02/05091 

28. A control solution for use in an analytical meter system for measuring optical 
properties of a test strip, the control solution comprising a dye intended to modify the 
optical properties of the test strip. - 


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FIG. 1 

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FIG. 2 

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WO 02/071044 






0 I U 1_ 1 _J _i 

500 600 700 800 900 


FIG. 4 

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FIG. 5 


International application No. 

IPq7) :G01N 21/78, 33/52, 35/02 

US CL : 422/82.05, 82.08, 82.09; 436/164, 169, 170, 172 
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 
U.S. : 422/82.05, 82.08, 82.09; 436/164, 169, 170, 172 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


US 5,945,341 A (HOWARD, HI) 31 August 1999, entire document. 



US 5,408,535 A (HOWARD, HI et al.) 18 April 1995, entire 



US 3,907,503 A (BETTS et al) 23 September 1975, entire 



US 5,520,883 A (CHARLTON et al) 28 May 1996, entire 



US 5,789,664 A (NEEL et al) 04 August 1998, entire document. 



US 6,027,690 v (GALEN et al) 22 February 2000, entire document. 

. 1-28 

["I Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. See patent family annex. 


Special categories of cited documents: "T" 

document defining the general state of the art which is not 
considered to be of particular relevance 

eaHier document published on or after the international filing date ^ 

document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is 
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other 
special reason (as specified) "V" 

document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other 

document published prior to the international filing date but later 

later document published after the international filing date or priority 
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand 
the principle or theory underlying the invention 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step 
when the document is taken alone 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
03 JUNE 2002 

Date of mailing of the international search report 

Name and mailing address of the ISA/US 
Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks 
Box PCX 

Washington, D.C. 20231 
Facsimile No. (703) 305-3230 

Authorized officer J* , / ^ . ^ 

JEFFREY R. SNAY /^^y^ [ l^'lf ^ 
Telephone No. (703) 308-0661 

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1998)*